Model Basin and Towing Tank Testing
Traditional towing tank experiments, flow visualisation and analysis, wake surveys as well as bespoke tests for the offshore and renewables sector.
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
We have extensive CFD capabilities which complement the experimental testing and other services we provide, offering a cost and time effective solution to hydrodynamic design studies.
Wind Tunnel Testing
The Wolfson Unit offers several wind tunnel experiment services including: measurement of aerodynamic forces and moments, flow visualisation and other measurement techniques (e.g. LDA and PIV).
Wind Assisted Shipping
Tailored packages to test and evaluate wind assisted technologies.
Marine Consultancy
Stability booklets, inclining experiments, ship powering, propeller sizing, yacht performance prediction, hull lines measurement and ships lines generation.
Product Development
Dynamometers, custom force and torque sensors, electro-mechanical systems and outboard thrust meters.
Vessel Safety
Stability assessments, model testing and research, accident investigation, safety guidance and the Wolfson method.
Expert Witness
Independent, unbiased analysis for accident investigations and engineering disputes.
Full Scale Trials and Instrumentation
Measurements of vessel while completing sea trials. 6 axis motions, forces, moments, accelerations, temperatures, pressures, and engine data.

Explore our comprehensive marine technology and aerodynamic services to find out how we can enhance your next project.